Home > Best-Sellers > EarthWorks Mushroom Keeper
This handmade Mushroom Keeper will extend the life of mushrooms in your fridge. In paper bags mushroom can stay fresh for 4-5 days. Plastic bags are not recommended because mushrooms cannot breathe and will begin to develop bacteria after a short time in the airtight atmosphere. The Mushroom Keeper allows mushrooms to breathe through the porous clay walls keeping them fresh and plump for weeks. Storing: Refrigerate mushrooms as soon as you get them home. Place mushrooms in your keeper justa as they are. Don't wash them until you plan to use them. Tips: The best way to clean mushrooms is to wipe them with a damp paper towel. To clean your the Mushroom Keeper rinse out in warm water and air dry until completely dry. Small Mushroom Keeper: 5.5" x 6" Large Mushroom Keeper: 5.5" x 8.5"
Price: $36.00
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